Imran Khan falls forklift during the election campaign, suffers head injuries


Imran Khan falls forklift during the election campaign, suffers head injuries

LAHORE: cricketer turned politician Imran Khan was wounded in the head when he fell from a forklift, the race was on him on stage for an election campaign rally in the eastern Pakistani city of Wednesday.

He said Khan will spend the night in the hospital and the doctors asked him to rest for 15 days. However, the former cricket star, said Omar, is in good physical condition and wants to resume his political activities as soon as possible.

Khan, 60, and several of his bodyguards apparently lost his balance and fell several meters above the ground.

Television images showed a stunned Khan, bleeding from a head wound, transported in a vehicle with several of his followers.

Supporters Khan got into the car and taken to the Shauna Khoum Hospital.


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